Microstrategy's Bitcoin Holdings rækkevidde 140,000 BTC efter erhvervelse 1,045 Flere Bitcoins

Nine days after publicly listed company Microstrategy purchased 6,455 bitcoins, firmaet’s CEO, Michael Saylor, announced the purchase of an additional 1,045 bitcoins. The business intelligence (BI) company now holds a total of 140,000 bitcoins, værdi $3.97 milliard. Microstrategy Buys Another

Mike Novogratz advarer om kreditkriser i USA og globalt - forventer, at Fed vil sænke renten 'snarere end vi tror'

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has warned of a credit crunch in the U.S. and globally. Emphasizing thatwe are heading into a recession,” he expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest ratessooner than we think.Novogratz on Global Credit

Rapport: Silicon Valley Bank under FDIC-auktion, efterhånden som opfordringerne til redningsaktion vokser

USA. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) begyndte en auktionsproces for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sent lørdag aften, ifølge rapporter. Endelige bud indsendes søndag eftermiddag. Unavngivne kilder indikerer, at FDIC søger at lukke aftalen…

Onchain-data afslører, at Alameda erhvervede specifikke tokens en måned før FTX-noteringer

According to a report stemming from the blockchain analytics firm Argus, Sam Bankman-Fried’s trading firm Alameda Research obtained tokens ahead of FTX.com listings. The report claims that Alameda acquired roughly $60 million worth of tokens before the digital assets were scheduled

Galaxy Digital ophører $1.2 Billion Bitgo Acquisition Deal, Kryptofirma planlægger stadig Nasdaq-notering

Galaxy Digital Holdings og virksomheden’s CEO og grundlægger Mike Novogratz meddelte, at virksomheden har “udnyttet sin ret til at opsige” et tidligere annonceret opkøb af Bitgo. Ifølge Galaxy skyldtes opsigelsen af ​​aftalen Bitgo’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “manglende levering”…

Afsløring af Terras implosion - Terraform Labs' store navne-støtter og 'Zero Exposure'-påstande

Digital currency markets have continued to slide downward in value as the crypto economy has dropped by 14% during the past 24 timer. Amid the market rout, the native Terra blockchain token LUNA has dropped to fresh new lows, slipping to

Mike Novogratz forventer, at Bitcoin rammer 500.000 $ - siger, at BTC er et godt alternativ i økonomier med dårlig forvaltning

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz says bitcoin is a great alternative and a lifeline to people in countries with poor stewardship of the economy. He expects the price of the cryptocurrency to hit $500K. “We see an adoption cycle that accelerates

Bitcoin Treasuries Liste krav 59 Virksomheder og en håndfuld lande holder 1.49 Millioner BTC

304 dage eller for omkring ni måneder siden, 42 virksomheder havde bitcoin på deres balance med en samlet sum på 1,350,073 bitcoin i marts 1, 2021. I dag, målinger indikerer, at der er 59 virksomheder, nogle få lande, og børshandlede fonde (ETF'er) med…

Jack Dorsey og Elon Musk vækker bekymring over Web3, efterhånden som skepsis over for ejerskab vokser

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has ignited a debate about web3 after Tesla CEO Elon Musk criticized it. Dorsey warned of the risks from centralization, emphasizing that web3 is owned by venture capitalists (VCs), hiding under the premise of decentralization. “jeg’m

New Yorks nyvalgte borgmester Eric Adams vil tage først 3 Lønchecks i Bitcoin, Lover at gøre NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC its going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other